Thursday, December 09, 2010


teringat pula 2-3 hari yg lalu. berjumpa wif this chinese lady. she come to me and ask about the ktm route.

chinese lady: excuse me,u know which train goes to port klang?
me: yaa,this one (i'm pointing to the place that we should wait for the train)
chinese lady: i'm right. my friends over there dont believe me. i say this is the correct one. u know,we want to cut the queue of peak hour. u know la,now school holiday,some more a lot of youngster going here n there.
me: yaa,hmmm.
chinese lady: so,u still studying?
me:im working already.
chinese lady:so,u know la how important to plan. work life is like that one..sometimes,u have to accept what others give u although u really dont like it.

chinese lady:so,u do accounting?
me:nope.i'm in engineering.
chinese lady:owh,engineering.u do what?involve in software.
me:no la,im in semicons industry.
chinese lady:my niece is working in oil n gas industry.
me:wow!lady working in oil n rare.
chinese lady:ya laaa.but now,i think a lot of ladies aldry been in oil n gas what.
me:ya laaa.
chinese lady:u see childrens in uni now.but i always tell them.u can learn n get degree n have qualification higher than me.but,in the end when it comes to practical in life,u still need the olders to refer to.u cannot just based on what u learn.cos olders are more experienced.
me:u rite.i mean,we need to seek advice from experience people rite?
chinese lady: i tell them oso. U can have instant coffee,instant noodles but u cannot have instant maturity.that is somethings a long way to go.
our conversation stop here cos the train arrived alrdy,but its a very nice experience.i mean,i met a stranger but she can give me a useful advice.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

maal hijrah

Salam Maal Hijrah 1432H.

Alhamdulillah,untuk tahun ini saya sempat membaca doa akhir tahun & awal tahun.
Azam tahun baru?hmm,tidak mahu berazam yg lebih2..cukuplah sekadar berazam melakukan yg terbaik dalam semua hal.i mean,dlm kehidupan di dunia dan akhirat.berharap dpt mejadi hambaNya yang taat suruhan agama dan menjauhi segala laranganNya.

amin ya rabbal alamin.