About Me
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- friendly,simple,loves songs,Harry Potter lovers,likes to watch anime,shy-person but sumtime can be extremely loud&talkative,cpt blushing =P,loves to eat but hard to gain weight,bla bla bla...
jom shopping
i read~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
ma n the dentist
pastu,tanpa brfikir pjg,saya pon terus la mendaftarkn diri.sbnrnye cuak jgk,sbb dh lama x jumpe dentist.so,its my turn.masuk dlm bilik,doc srh ddk atas kerusi.then,die tanye sakit gigi ke?so,saya jwb la x sakit,nk buat scaling.so,dgn dibantu pembantunye,doc tu pon memulakn operasinye.mula2 tu ok la lagi.lame2 bile dh terase sengal gusi n gigi,br la stat rase sakit.pembantu die plk dok lap2 air yg trpercik kt muka saya.huhu.dlm 10 minit jgk la doc tu bersihkn gigi.bile dh siap,doc srh kumur.waa,keluar darah..huhu..tp,sbnrnye x de la sakit sgt buat scaling tu.x de la sesakit cabut gigi.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
long overdue pics
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I have a dream
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream
I have a dream
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
entri tiada tajuk
semalam adlh hari yang sgt xxx,well x tau words ape nk guna.why saya ckp mcm tu.sbb evryone around me are having bad mood.my d*d,b*e,m*m.mcm mane diorg blh bad mood?hmmm,sy rase x perlu di diskusskn kt sini.
tp,my point is,i really hate when people showing their 'sour face'@muka yg masam mencuka tu.sbb,nanti kn x psl2 je saya blh terjebak sama.aura negatif dr diorg tu mampu mengalir ke dlm badanku ini.huhu.siyes ar.that's why saya kalo blh x suka tgk org bad mood.maybe this thing ade connection dgn my name.farhana bermaksud kegembiraan.agaknya,sbb tu la saya suka tgk org hepi2 je kot.=P
so,mlmnya faa*hir tido dgn saya.dh byk hari ni dia tido dgn saya.beliau ni mmg ganas time tido.blh buat smack down lg time die tgh beradu tu.so,yg jd mangsanye org2 di sekitar beliau tu.sape lagi,kalau bkn saya.haha.
tp,sy syg kt dia.biarkan lah.nanti dh besar eloklah tu.insya allah.
*bdk yg perasan cute*
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Tengah googling td,then jumpe plk info psl chocolate:
1. We’ve heard of rice and pasta, but chocolate as a staple? Yes, ask the South Mexico Olmec tribe back in 1000 B.C. They ate chocolate all the time! Strange, but true!
2. Talk about sweet ceremonies! The Maya drank liquid chocolate during weddings, engagements, baptisms and even funerals! Whoever thought there was something ceremonial about chocolate!
3. Some chocolates may cost you but did you know that Cacao or chocolates beans were used as currency by Aztec and Maya tribes? If we had that today we would be eating out of our wallets!
4. So who thought of solidifying chocolate? Thank Mexican nuns from the 1700’s as they created and exported the first chocolate product as a fund raiser for their convent.
5. Here’s another fact. Not just 10 or 50 but chocolate remarkably has over 500 flavors in it! No wonder it tastes so good. Vanilla and strawberry don’t even come close to this figure.
6. Heard of Mexican Emperor Montezuma? He drank liquid chocolate before getting busy in his harem. Since chocolate make you feel good, it is considered an aphrodisiac.
7. Those gory scenes in Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’, was all chocolate syrup! Although the scene finishes in about 45 seconds, it took 7 days to get that shot done perfectly! Now that’s a sticky plot!
8. Chocolate was re-born in 1879 when Daniel Peter and Henre Nestle introduced milk chocolate to the world. In the same year Rudolphe Lindt introduced the conching process which makes chocolate smooth and soft.
9. Napoleon was great in many ways. Did you know he took chocolate along with him during his military campaigns. Now that was a clever move as chocolate gives you added energy and restores carbohydrates.
10. For all those of you out there dreaming about those chocolate bars, dream away! You can’t blame chocolate for raising your blood cholesterol. Now that’s a fact so eat!
Chocolate has changed the way we eat, romance and live. But don’t go overboard as too much of a good thing can be bad!
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